Source: renderer/LightRenderer.js

import { Utils } from "../utils/Utils";
import { Buffer } from "../utils/Buffer";
import { BlendMode } from "../data/BlendMode";
import { Light } from "../display/Light";
import { BatchRenderer } from "./BatchRenderer";
import { TextureInfo } from "../data/texture/TextureInfo";

 * @typedef {Object} LightRendererConfig
 * @extends {RendererConfig}
 * @property {number} lightNum
 * @property {TextureInfo} sourceTexture
 * @property {TextureInfo} normalMap
 * @property {TextureInfo} heightMap
 * @property {TextureInfo} roughnessMap

 * <pre>
 *  Light renderer
 *  - Renders lights and shadows based on height, normal and roughness map
 *  - Height map could store the following values:
 *    - Red channel: start of a vertical object
 *    - Green channel: end of a vertical object
 *    - Blue channel: shiness of the surface
 *  - If the roughness map exists, the shiness and roughness values are
 *    derived from its red and green channels.
 *  - Every input texture are optional
 * </pre>
 * @extends {BatchRenderer}
export class LightRenderer extends BatchRenderer {
   * Creates an instance of LightRenderer.
   * @constructor
   * @param {LightRendererConfig} options
  constructor(options = {}) {
    options.config = Utils.initRendererConfig(options.config);

    // prettier-ignore
    options.config.locations = options.config.locations.concat([

    const maxBatchItems = (options.maxBatchItems = options.lightNum || 1);


    this.clearBeforeRender = true;
    this.clearColor.set(0, 0, 0, 1);

    this.sourceTexture = options.sourceTexture;
    this.normalMap = options.normalMap;
    this.heightMap = options.heightMap;
    this.roughnessMap = options.roughnessMap;

    this._extensionBuffer = new Buffer("aExt", maxBatchItems, 4, 4);

    this._lights = [];

   * Register a Light instance
   * @param {Light} light
  registerLight(light) {
    if (this._lights.indexOf(light) > -1) return;

    let index = this._lights.indexOf(null);
    index > -1
      ? (this._lights[index] = light)
      : (index = this._lights.push(light) - 1);

    light.registerData(index, this.$,;

   * Remove a Light instance
   * @param {Light} light
  unregisterLight(light) {
    const index = this._lights.indexOf(light);
    if (index > -1) {
      this._lights[index] = null;

   * @ignore
  $render() {

    let sizeable = this;

    if (this.sourceTexture) {
      this.$useTexture(this.sourceTexture, this.$locations.uSTTex);
      sizeable = this.sourceTexture;
      this.$gl.uniform1f(this.$locations.uUSTT, 1);
    } else this.$gl.uniform1f(this.$locations.uUSTT, 0);

    if (this.normalMap) {
      this.$useTexture(this.normalMap, this.$locations.uNMTex);
      sizeable = this.normalMap;
      this.$gl.uniform1f(this.$locations.uUNMT, 1);
    } else this.$gl.uniform1f(this.$locations.uUNMT, 0);

    if (this.roughnessMap) {
      this.$useTexture(this.roughnessMap, this.$locations.uRGTex);
      sizeable = this.roughnessMap;
      this.$gl.uniform1f(this.$locations.uURGT, 1);
    } else this.$gl.uniform1f(this.$locations.uURGT, 0);

    if (this.heightMap) {
      this.$useTexture(this.heightMap, this.$locations.uTex);
      sizeable = this.heightMap;

    this.$gl.uniform2f(this.$locations.uTS, sizeable.width, sizeable.height);



   * @ignore
  $uploadBuffers() {
    this._extensionBuffer.upload(this.$gl, this.$enableBuffers);

   * @ignore
  $createBuffers() {
    this._extensionBuffer.create(this.$gl, this.$locations);

  // prettier-ignore
   * @param {LightRendererConfig} options
   * @returns {string}
   * @ignore
  $createVertexShader(options) {
    return Utils.GLSL.VERSION + 
    "precision highp float;\n" +

    Utils.GLSL.DEFINE.PI +
    "#define P vec4(1,-1,2,-2)\n" +

    "in vec2 " +
      "aPos;" +
    "in mat4 " +
      "aExt," +
      "aMt;" +

    "uniform float " +
      "uFlpY;" +

    "out float " +
      "vHS," +
      "vD," +
      "vSpt;" +
    "out vec2 " +
      "vTUv," +
      "vSln;" +
    "out vec4 " +
      "vUv," +
      "vCl," +
      "vDt;" +
    "out mat4 " +
      "vExt;" +

    "void main(void){" +
      "vec3 pos=vec3(aPos*2.-1.,1);" +

      "vExt=aExt;" +
      "vCl=aMt[2];" +
      "vDt=aMt[3];" +

      "vUv.xy=pos.xy;" +
      "vHS=vExt[0].z;" +

      "mat3 mt=mat3(aMt[0].xy,0,aMt[0].zw,0,aMt[1].xy,1);" +
      "vD=aMt[1].z;" +

      "if(vExt[0].x<1.){" +
        "gl_Position=vec4(mt*pos,1);" +
        "vTUv=(gl_Position.xy+P.xy)/;" +
        "[1].xy+P.xy)/;" +
        "vSpt=PI-aMt[1].w;" +
        "vSln=vec2(sin(vDt.w),cos(vDt.w));" +
      "}else{" +
        "mt[2].xy=vec2(-1,1);" +
        "gl_Position=vec4(pos,1);" +
        "vTUv=vec2(aPos.x,1.-aPos.y);" +
        "*vec3(1)).xy+P.xy)/;" +
      "}" +

      "gl_Position.y*=uFlpY;" +

  // prettier-ignore
   * @param {LightRendererConfig} options
   * @returns {string}
   * @ignore
  $createFragmentShader(options) {
    return Utils.GLSL.VERSION + 
    "precision highp float;\n" +

    Utils.GLSL.DEFINE.PI +
    "#define PIH 1.570796326795\n" +

    "in float " +
      "vHS," +
      "vD," +
      "vSpt;" +
    "in vec2 " +
      "vTUv," +
      "vSln;" +
    "in vec4 " +
      "vUv," +
      "vCl," +
      "vDt;" +
    "in mat4 " +
      "vExt;" +

    "uniform sampler2D " +
      "uNMTex," +
      "uSTTex," +
      "uRGTex," +
      "uTex;" +
    "uniform float " +
      "uUSTT," +
      "uURGT," +
      "uUNMT;" +
    "uniform vec2 " +
      "uTS;" +

    "out vec4 " +
      "oCl;" +

    Utils.GLSL.RANDOM +

    "void main(void){" +
      "oCl=vec4(0);" +
      "if(vDt.x>0.){" +
        "vec4 " +
          "tc=texture(uTex,vTUv);" +

        "float " +
          "ph=tc.g*HEIGHT," +
          "shn=tc.b," +
          "rgh=1.;" +

        "vec2 " +
          "tUv=vTUv*uTS," +
          "*uTS;" +

        "vec3 " +
          "sf=vec3(tUv,ph)," +
          "lp=vec3(tCnt,vHS)," +
          "sftla=lp-sf;" +

        "float " +
          "dst=1.-length(sftla)/vD," +
          "vol=vDt.z*vCl.a," +
          "spc=0.;" +

        "if(vol<=0.)discard;" +

        "if(vExt[0].x<1.){" +
          "vol*=dst;" +
          "if(vol<=0.)discard;" +

          "float " +
            "slh=(vHS-ph)/HEIGHT;" +

          "vec2 " +
            "sl=vec2(" +
              "slh*vSln.y-vUv.x*vSln.x," +
              "slh*vSln.x+vUv.x*vSln.y" +
            ");" +

          "if((" +
            "atan(" +
              "sl.x," +
              "length(vec2(sl.y,vUv.y))" +
            ")+PIH" +
          ")-vSpt<0.)discard;" +
        "}" +

        "int " +
          "flg=int(vExt[0].y);" +

        "float " +
          "fltDst=distance(tCnt,tUv)," +
          "shdw=1.;" +

        "if((flg&2)>0){" +
          "vec3 " +
            "nm=uUNMT<1." + 
              "?vec3(0,0,1.)" + 
              ":normalize((texture(uNMTex,vTUv).rgb*2.-1.)*vec3(1,-1,1))," +
            "sftl=normalize(sftla)," +
            "sftv=normalize(vec3(" +
              "(flg&16)>0" +
                "?uTS*.5" +
                ":tUv," +
              "HEIGHT" +
            ")-sf)," +
            "hlf=normalize(sftl+sftv);" +

          "float lght=dot(nm,sftl);" +
          "vol*=lght;" +
          "if(vol<=0.)discard;" +
          "if(uURGT>0.){" + 
            "vec2 rgt=texture(uRGTex,vTUv).rg;" +
            "rgh=rgt.r;" +
            "shn=rgt.g;" +
          "}" +
          "spc=pow(dot(nm,hlf),HEIGHT*rgh)*shn*vExt[1].y;" +
        "}" +

        "if((flg&1)>0){" +
          "ivec2 " +
            "p;" +

          "vec2 " +
            "opd=(tUv-tCnt)/fltDst," +
            "opdm=opd/uTS;" +

          "float " +
            "shl=vD/vDt.y," +
            "st=ceil(max(1.,max(fltDst/vExt[1].x,vExt[0].w)))," +
            "hst=(ph-vHS)/fltDst," +
            "l=fltDst-st," +
            "m=max(st,l-shl)," +
            "i," +
            "pc," +
            "opdL=length(opd);" +

          "for(i=l;i>m;i-=st){" +
            "p=ivec2((*opdm)*uTS);" +
            "tc=texelFetch(uTex,p,0)*HEIGHT;" +

            "if((flg&4)>0&&tc.g>=vHS)discard;" +

            "pc=vHS+i*hst;" +
            "if(tc.r<=pc&&tc.g>=pc){" +
              "shdw*=(fltDst-i*opdL)/shl;" +
              "if(shdw<=0.)discard;" +
            "}" +
          "}" +
        "}" +

        "vec3 " +
          "stCl=uUSTT<1.?vec3(1):texture(uSTTex,vTUv).rgb," +
          "rCl=(flg&8)>0?vCl.rgb:vec3(1);" +
        "oCl=vec4((stCl*vCl.rgb*shdw+rCl*spc)*vol,1);" +
      "}" +